Olivia’s Birth Story

Dear Olivia,

You were born on a beautiful Monday afternoon. But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. There’s so much more I want you to know about your BIRTH-DAY! Like how I chose to be induced with you because my doctor was going out of town and she suggested her doctor in the same practice would be available 2 days before your due date to deliver you. And since I was already walking around at almost 4 centimeters with what felt like a bowling ball weighing down on my bladder, and your mama can rock an induction like nobody’s business, I said “See you on Monday morning!” Not the most natural of births but hey, those are so overrated, right?!

Gammy and Poppy came over EARLY on Monday morning so we could leave for the hospital and they could wait for Jack to wake up. We got down there around 5:30 and checked in. By the time we got set up in a room it was around 7:00 a.m.


39 Weeks, 5 Days!


Before everything got started

I got hooked up to an IV and rested. Soon after, Aunt and Sonia came in. They were the first ones to arrive! We chatted with them for a little while and also with our nurse, Chris. She was so nice. A little while later, Gammy, Poppy, Tennie, Kyleigh and Jack came in. Gigi and Grandaddy arrived not long after and they took over the waiting room. Your brother entertained them all and ate everything in sight.


Your Daddy resting – he made good use of the Boppy!

I got my epidural mid morning. I was able to feel some contractions before then so I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything by getting the epidural. Ha!  I wasn’t very nervous about the epidural because it had gone so smoothly with Jack’s birth but this time it was a bit more painful. There were a few shooting pains that went down my legs which really caught me off guard. This was the most unpleasant part of your whole birth. I squeezed your Daddy’s hand so hard but he didn’t complain. After that, everyone left and we were able to rest. Your Daddy prayed over me and for you. It was so sweet. The anesthesiologist really did a thorough job because I wasn’t able to stand up until about 11:00 p.m. later that night. I remember telling the nurse earlier in the day that if there was an emergency and we had to evacuate, they’d have to leave me behind because I was pretty much dead weight. She reassured me that they had sleds to use in those situations to pull patients down the stairs. Somehow that was supposed to make me feel better, I think?! HA.

Around lunch time the doctor came in and broke my water. She kept telling the nurse that I had so much fluid. Then she told me that I should be glad it didn’t break on my kitchen floor because I’d still be cleaning it up. NICE. I rested for about an hour and a half and ate a Popsicle. After that, the nurse thought she should sit the bed up straighter which I knew would help me progress. They did this with Jack and I immediately began to feel nauseous. Sure enough, I started feeling sick. Gammy and Poppy came to visit for a few minutes but soon after I started throwing up.


Feeling GROSS


Even at 30 years old, nothing makes me feel better than having my Mom take care of me. I’m praying you feel the same way one day!

The nurse decided to check me and we found out that I was 10 centimeters! WOOHOO!!! I couldn’t believe how quickly it happened. We told the nurse that with your brother we weren’t allowed to do a practice push because my nurse thought the doctor wouldn’t make it in time. So thankfully, my nurse called the doctor and we just waited for her to do anything.


10 Centimeters!

Once the doctor came in, things started to move pretty quickly.They started to get the room ready and called in the nursery nurse. When the nurse told me that a contraction was coming, I started to push and you were out in 3 pushes! It was so surreal! You were bright purple which was a little alarming but they said that was normal and you’d start to pink up soon. You weighed 8 lbs, 2 ounces and were 20.5 inches long. You passed all of your newborn screens and soon you had your first visitors.


We said you were the same color as Barney!

2015-07-09 21.51.22




Your Daddy brought Jack in and he just stared and stared at you. I’m sure he didn’t know what to think! Everyone was so taken with you. You have the prettiest little face and we were all surprised by your dark hair. The evening was spent visiting with extended family. Gigi and Grandaddy took Jack to our house for the night but I think he was so excited from the day (and maybe just a LITTLE BIT overtired) I think he gave them a run for their money. Your Aunt Janel was able to drive down to see you later in the evening after work.













The next 2 days were filled with visitors and learning about you. Everyone at the hospital was nice and helpful but we were ready to head home with you on Wednesday morning. We were ready to get home in our own beds and figure out life as a family of FOUR!

Olivia, you have proven to be such a good baby. You are a GREAT sleeper and eater and only cry when you’re hungry or need to be cuddled. You are one tough cookie and have already gotten your fair share of bumps and tight squeezes from your older brother. We are looking forward to watching you grow! You are the perfect girl for us!


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